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Rules of Handicapping FAQs

Adjustment of Hole Scores

Q. I started a hole but did not complete it. What score do I post?

A. When the format of play allows you to start a hole but not complete it, the score recorded for handicap purposes is your most likely score, equal to:

  • The number of strokes already taken on the hole, plus
  • Any penalty strokes incurred during the hole, plus
  • The number of strokes you would most likely require to complete the hole.

A most likely score is a reasonable assessment made by you based on the score you are most likely to make from that spot more than half the time. The following guidelines should be used to determine a most likely score:

  • If the ball lies on the putting green no more than 5 feet from the hole, add one stroke.
  • If the ball lies between 5 feet and 20 yards from the hole, add 2 or 3 additional strokes depending on the position of the ball, difficulty of the green and your ability.
  • If the ball lies more than 20 yards from the hole, add 3 or 4 additional strokes depending on the position of the ball, difficulty of the green and your ability.
(Rule 3.3, Rules of Handicapping)