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Rules of Handicapping FAQs

Posting Scores

Q. I don’t know the Course Rating™ and Slope Rating™ for the tees I played, how can I post the score?

A. Through your mobile app or other application, you should be able to search for the golf course you played and find the set of tees played and appropriate ratings for your gender. Alternatively, you can search the Course Rating and Slope Database™ found here. If the Rating information cannot be found in your posting application or on the database, you should contact the club or Allied Golf Association to see if valid Ratings are available.

If you are playing a set of tees that are not rated for your gender, please contact a club representative, who in consultation with the Allied Golf Association can determine if a temporary Course Rating and Slope Rating can be created to post your score by utilizing the table found in Appendix G of the Rules of Handicapping.