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Topic: Exceptional Score Reduction

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What you should know - In 150 words or less:

Under the Rules of Handicapping, if a score produces a Score Differential™ that is 7.0 strokes or better than the player's Handicap Index® at the time the round was played, it is considered exceptional and subject to an exceptional score reduction:

  • If the Score Differential is between 7.0 and 9.9 strokes better, a -1 adjustment is applied to the player's most recent 20 Score Differentials in their scoring record.
  • If the Score Differential is 10.0 strokes or better, a -2 adjustment is applied to each of their most recent 20 Score Differentials.


Future scores made by the player will not contain the -1 or -2 adjustment (unless they are also exceptional), which allows the impact of the exceptional score reduction to slowly diminish over time.

The graphic below provides a step-by-step overview of how this automatic safeguard is applied:

Additional Resources:

Read the Rules: